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Updated: Apr 24, 2021

A new year brings so many unknowns and the anxiety levels may be through the roof. How do we navigate the new world we live in?

I was reminded a few years ago while in Pinecrest CA, of the short time we have inhabited the lands we walk today. Short in terms of the overall history of earth of course. The Pacific Coast and surrounding areas have been home to so many for so long. I hiked around the area for a few hours and it was as if time stood still. Wooden shacks, horse troughs and carriages sprawled across the hills. No sign of modern architecture to be seen for miles. It was like walking back into the past. I attempted to imagine what hardships the dwellers dealt with. What foreseen or unforeseen circumstances arouse that made these areas remain intact as civilization moved onward. Searching for a better life, promises of more than they currently had perhaps. We visit these places now to find peace and connect with nature away from the busy metropolitan and suburbs.

Year after year, the changes are doubled and moving faster and faster. I can't remember a time when there was so much going on all at once. Today after living through 2020. So much has changed and quicker than we'd like at times. There may never be a year with minimal events going forward. At least if feels this way. There may be some truth to that. I look back even just ten years ago. Ten years ago felt "simple" compared to 2020. When I then remember Pinecrest and its simplicty. Its innocence. I can only gather that being in the moment is so important and key to obtaining an optomistic mind. Looking too far ahead and making promises isn't always a postive thing. The constant need to "better" oneself is normal human behavior. Understanding when you have a good thing is another. Our condition is no different than those who lived 200 years ago. The human condition to strive for more. Better. Much like today the constant "looking ahead". Personally I myself, would rather live here. Unobstructed, with the slightest of changes. How I look at it, live in the now. Simple and with as little worry about the future as possible. So many of the things that plague the psyche of humans is attributed to things they themselves cannot change. Going forward, live in the now. Take in the wooden shack and carriages around you and be thankful. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. Best foot forward..always.

“Year after year, the changes are doubled and moving faster and faster. I can't remember a time when there was so much going on all at once"

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