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Introduced to photography at a young age by my grandfather who was rarely seen without his 35mm Nikon and Leica SLR cameras. His eye for capturing the world around us opened up my own eyes to all the wonderful nuances in nature and humans alike. 

surfer looks on.jpg
Grace Cathedral.jpg

The idea was to not disturb or alter nature or subject. Capture to freeze a moment. Capture a feeling. One that would invoke fond memories every time one saw the image. My grandfather was the slowest at eating a meal, getting a task done and in carried into his photography. The amount of time spent analyzing a scene or portrait to get the "correct shot" would put a 7 year old with a sugar rush to sleep. It showed me about composition and not just shooting to shoot. Shoot with a purpose. When he passed, his physical self left us but his charisma and photography and lessons stayed with me to this day.


I continued shooting and still do. From Portrait, to wedding, to sports and nature photography. I've dabbled in it all. I've found most joy in shooting that which seeks the least amount of attention. Nature is at the top of my list. Nature just is what it has been and will be with us or without us and frankly…I love it.

I'm not leaving out the other neat subjects about photography of course. I have photographed plenty of human and animals too. If you're intrigued but some of my work please follow along on my flickr page. I have years of great photography there which I update from time to time. All the photography you see here is available in shop for purchase. Most if not all my work is watermarked with my old photography company, Concrete Jungle Photography or EAO (my initials). For now check my work out here:

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